

Port , Attribute , SysMLFlowPort


_initialValues : Model Element[] (SysMLInitialValue)

abstract : boolean

actionScriptCodeDetail : Model Element (ActionScriptAttributeCodeDetail)

aggregation : Selection [None|Shared|Composited]

allowEmptyName : boolean

analysisItemDiagramIds : String[]

analysisItemModels : Model Element[] (EAProcessStep, EADetailStep)

classifier : Model Element (Actor)

codeSignature : String

comments : Model Element[] (Comment)

connectToCodeModel : int

cppDetail : Model Element (CPPAttributeCodeDetail)

derived : boolean

derivedUnion : boolean

description : HTML/Plain Text

dotnetCodeDetail : Model Element (DotNetAttributeCodeDetail)

ejbCodeDetail : Model Element (EJBAttributeCodeDetail)

fromReferenceProject : boolean

fullName : String

genericValues : Model Element[] (GenericValue)

hasGetter : boolean

hasSetter : boolean

initialValue : Model Element (Attribute, Operation, InstanceSpecification, EnumerationLiteral)

isID : boolean

javaDetail : Model Element (JavaAttributeCodeDetail)

leaf : boolean

modelElementReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

modelElementReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

modelQualityDetails : HTML/Plain Text

modelType : String

multiplicity : String

multiplicityDetail : Model Element (Multiplicity)

name : String

ormDetail : Model Element (ORMAttributeDetail)

pmAuthor : String

pmCreateDateTime : String

pmDifficulty : Model Element (PMDifficulty)

pmDiscipline : Model Element (PMDiscipline)

pmIteration : Model Element (PMIteration)

pmLastModified : String

pmPhase : Model Element (PMPhase)

pmPriority : Model Element (PMPriority)

pmStatus : Model Element (PMStatus)

pmVersion : Model Element (PMVersion)

projectName : String

projectPath : String

qualityReason : String

qualityScore : Selection [Ignore|Recalculate|Very Bad|Bad|Poor|Fair|Good]

readOnly : boolean

redefinedProperties : Model Element[] (Attribute)

referencedByDiagramIds : String[]

referencedByModelAddresses : String[]

references : Model Element[] (Reference)

referencingAssociationEnd : Model Element (AssociationEnd)

scope : Scope [classifier|instance]

stereotypes : Model Element[] (Stereotype)

subsettedProperties : Model Element[] (Attribute)

syncMappingModels : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

sysMLPropertyType : Selection [Part|Reference|Value|Property]

taggedValues : Model Element (TaggedValueContainer)

templateTypeBindInfo : Model Element (TemplateTypeBindInfo)

transitFrom : String

transitTo : String

type : Model Element (Class, SysMLActivityBlock, SysMLBlock, SysMLValueType, DataType, Component)

typeModifier : String

userID : String

userIDParent : String

viewReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

viewReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

visibility : Visibility [Unspecified|private|protected|package|protected internal|internal|public]

visible : boolean

voices : Model Element[] (Voice)

xsDetail : Model Element (XSAttributeDetail)

145. AssociationEndPropertyStrings Table of Contents 147. AttributeLink

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