

background : int

background2 : int

beginArrowFillColor : int

beginArrowHeight : int

beginArrowName : String

beginArrowSize : Selection [Very Small|Small|Medium|Large|Extra Large|Jumbo|Colossal]

beginArrowUseFillColor : boolean

beginArrowWidth : int

borderColor : int

borderStrokeDashs : String[]

borderStrokeNull : boolean

borderTransparency : int

borderWeight : double

colorLegend : Model Element (ColorLegend)

comments : Model Element[] (Comment)

compartmentFontName : String

compartmentFontSize : int

compartmentFontStyle : int

connectorLegend : Model Element (ConnectorLegend)

customText : String

description : HTML/Plain Text

endArrowFillColor : int

endArrowHeight : int

endArrowName : String

endArrowSize : Selection [Very Small|Small|Medium|Large|Extra Large|Jumbo|Colossal]

endArrowUseFillColor : boolean

endArrowWidth : int

fillColorGradientStyle : Selection [S-N|N-S|C-NS|NS-C|E-W|W-E|C-EW|EW-C|SE-NW|NW-SE|C-SENW|SENW-C|SW-NE|NE-SW|C-NESW|NESW-C]

fillColorTransparency : int

fillColorType : Selection [Solid|Gradient]

fontName : String

fontSize : int

fontStyle : int

foreground : int

fromReferenceProject : boolean

fullName : String

genericValues : Model Element[] (GenericValue)

modelElementNameAlignment : Selection [Follow Diagram|Top Left|Top Center|Top Right|Middle Left|Middle Center|Middle Right|Bottom Left|Bottom Center|Bottom Right]

modelElementReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

modelElementReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

modelQualityDetails : HTML/Plain Text

modelType : String

name : String

pmAuthor : String

pmCreateDateTime : String

pmDifficulty : Model Element (PMDifficulty)

pmDiscipline : Model Element (PMDiscipline)

pmIteration : Model Element (PMIteration)

pmLastModified : String

pmPhase : Model Element (PMPhase)

pmPriority : Model Element (PMPriority)

pmStatus : Model Element (PMStatus)

pmVersion : Model Element (PMVersion)

primitiveShapeType : Selection [Unspecified|Rectangle|Rounded Rectangle|Oval|Triangle|Octagon|Diamond|Pentagon|Trapezoid|Hexagon]

projectName : String

projectPath : String

qualityReason : String

qualityScore : Selection [Ignore|Recalculate|Very Bad|Bad|Poor|Fair|Good]

referencedByDiagramIds : String[]

referencedByModelAddresses : String[]

references : Model Element[] (Reference)

shapeLegend : Model Element (ShapeLegend)

transitFrom : String

transitTo : String

userID : String

userIDParent : String

viewReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

viewReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

voices : Model Element[] (Voice)

984. StubState Table of Contents 986. StyleSetContainer

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