



abstract : boolean

alternativeUseCaseDescriptions : Model Element[] (UseCaseDescriptionItemContainer)

analysisItemDiagramIds : String[]

analysisItemModels : Model Element[] (EAProcessStep, EADetailStep)

businessModel : boolean

comments : Model Element[] (Comment)

context : Model Element[] (UseCase)

contextName : String

descNameColumnWidth : int

description : HTML/Plain Text

descValueColumnWidth : int

fromReferenceProject : boolean

fullName : String

genericValues : Model Element[] (GenericValue)

humanResources : Model Element[] (TasifierMember)

justification : String

leaf : boolean

modelElementReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

modelElementReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

modelQualityDetails : HTML/Plain Text

modelType : String

name : String

pmAuthor : String

pmCreateDateTime : String

pmDifficulty : Model Element (PMDifficulty)

pmDiscipline : Model Element (PMDiscipline)

pmIteration : Model Element (PMIteration)

pmLastModified : String

pmPhase : Model Element (PMPhase)

pmPriority : Model Element (PMPriority)

pmStatus : Model Element (PMStatus)

pmVersion : Model Element (PMVersion)

postConditions : String

preConditions : String

primaryActors : Model Element[] (Actor)

projectName : String

projectPath : String

qualityReason : String

qualityScore : Selection [Ignore|Recalculate|Very Bad|Bad|Poor|Fair|Good]

referencedByDiagramIds : String[]

referencedByModelAddresses : String[]

references : Model Element[] (Reference)

requirements : Model Element[] (Requirement)

root : boolean

scheduleRowHeight : int

status : Selection [Identify|Discuss|Elaborate|Design|Consent|Develop|Complete]

stepContainers : Model Element[] (StepContainer)

stereotypes : Model Element[] (Stereotype)

supportingActors : Model Element[] (Actor)

syncMappingModels : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

taggedValues : Model Element (TaggedValueContainer)

taskPoolId : int

taskPoolName : String

templateName : String

testingConfig : String

testingSetup : String

transitFrom : String

transitTo : String

ucRank : Selection [Unspecified|High|Medium|Low]

UseCaseDescription : Model Element (UseCaseDescriptionItemContainer)

useCaseDescriptionDiagramId : String

useCaseNotes : Model Element[] (UseCaseNote)

userID : String

userIDParent : String

viewReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

viewReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

voices : Model Element[] (Voice)

1104. Usage Table of Contents 1106. UseCaseDescriptionItem

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