
backgroundColor : int

borderColor : int

crops : Model Element[] (WFDImageCrop)

fontColor : int

fontName : String

fontSize : int

fontStyle : int

fromReferenceProject : boolean

fullName : String

hasBounds : boolean

hasFont : boolean

hasFormat : boolean

hasModel : boolean

height : int

imagePath : String

imageType : Selection [Unspecified|Image|Advertisement|Video|Map|Web|Attachment|Box 1|Box 2|Delete|Edit|File|Flag|Folder|Inbox|Reply|Send|Stack of Box|Bookmark|Cancel|Down|Information|Left|Pointer|Refresh|Right|Tick|Up|Camera|Refresh Camera|Add|Download All|Download from Cloud|Download|Search|Upload|Upload to Cloud|Air Play|Next|Pause|Play|Previous|Contacts|Favorites|More|Recents]

modelElementReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

modelElementReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

modelQualityDetails : HTML/Plain Text

modelType : String

name : String

parentElement : String

projectName : String

projectPath : String

qualityScore : Selection [Ignore|Recalculate|Very Bad|Bad|Poor|Fair|Good]

referencedByDiagramIds : String[]

referencedByModelAddresses : String[]

references : Model Element[] (Reference)

strokeColor : int

viewReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

viewReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

width : int

x : int

y : int

1268. WFIOSGroupedTableView Table of Contents 1270. WFIOSPageControl

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