



businessConceptsRowCollapsed : boolean

componentAssembliesRowCollapsed : boolean

diagramId : String

fromReferenceProject : boolean

fullName : String

howColumnCollapsed : boolean

inventoryConfigurationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

inventoryDefinitionCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

inventoryIdentificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

inventoryInstantiationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

inventoryRepresentationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

inventorySpecificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

modelElementReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

modelElementReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

modelQualityDetails : HTML/Plain Text

modelType : String

motivationConfigurationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

motivationDefinitionCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

motivationIdentificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

motivationInstantiationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

motivationRepresentationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

motivationSpecificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

name : String

networkConfigurationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

networkDefinitionCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

networkIdentificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

networkInstantiationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

networkRepresentationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

networkSpecificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

operationsClassesRowCollapsed : boolean

organizationConfigurationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

organizationDefinitionCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

organizationIdentificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

organizationInstantiationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

organizationRepresentationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

organizationSpecificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

processConfigurationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

processDefinitionCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

processIdentificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

processInstantiationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

processRepresentationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

processSpecificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

projectName : String

projectPath : String

qualityScore : Selection [Ignore|Recalculate|Very Bad|Bad|Poor|Fair|Good]

scopeContextsRowCollapsed : boolean

systemLogicRowCollapsed : boolean

technologyPhysicsRowCollapsed : boolean

timingConfigurationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

timingDefinitionCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

timingIdentificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

timingInstantiationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

timingRepresentationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

timingSpecificationCell : Model Element (ZachmanCell)

viewReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

viewReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

whatColumnCollapsed : boolean

whenColumnCollapsed : boolean

whereColumnCollapsed : boolean

whoColumnCollapsed : boolean

whyColumnCollapsed : boolean

1397. ZachmanContainer Table of Contents Chapter 2. Diagram Types Description

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