

EAScopeDiagramDefinition , EAScopeHtmlTextDefinition


actionMode : Selection [Normal|Auto]

chartSetting : Model Element (EAChartSetting)

columns : Model Element[] (EAWorkItemDiagramWithDetailArtifactColumnDefinition)

columnWidth : int

copyFroms : Model Element[] (EAWorkItemArtifactDefinitionCopy)

copyTos : Model Element[] (EAWorkItemArtifactDefinitionCopy)

dataTable : Model Element (DataTable)

diagramTemplate : String

diagramType : String

drawer : Model Element (DocumentationCabinetDrawer)

editingRestrictions : Model Element[] (EditingRestriction)

etlTable : Model Element (ETLTableDiagram)

figureVisible : boolean

fromReferenceProject : boolean

fullName : String

genericValues : Model Element[] (GenericValue)

groupByModelBackgrounds : String[]

groupByModelNames : String[]

groupByShapeType : String

isCollectionArtifact : boolean

isCustomizedArtifact : boolean

isNonTable : boolean

modelElementReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

modelElementReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

modelQualityDetails : HTML/Plain Text

modelType : String

modelTypes : String[]

name : String

noUi : boolean

openWith : Model Element (EAWorkItemFormPart, EAWorkItemTextArtifactDefinition, EAWorkItemDiagramArtifactDefinition, EAWorkItemDiagramWithDetailArtifactDefinition, EAWorkItemFileArtifactDefinition, EAWorkItemDrawerArtifactDefinition, EAWorkItemHtmlTextArtifactDefinition, EAWorkItemFormArtifactDefinition, EAWorkItemActionArtifactDefinition, EAWorkItemProcessArtifactDefinition)

outputKind : Selection [Image|Image Detail|Image Summary Detail|Image Summary|Outline]

pageSets : Model Element[] (EAWorkItemArtifactPageSet)

parentArtifactDefinition : Model Element (EAWorkItemDiagramWithDetailArtifactDefinition)

prefix : HTML/Plain Text

presentationOptions : Model Element[] (EAWorkItemDiagramArtifactDefinitionPresentationOption)

projectName : String

projectPath : String

qualityScore : Selection [Ignore|Recalculate|Very Bad|Bad|Poor|Fair|Good]

refreshArtifact : Selection [Follow Process|Yes|No]

rows : Model Element[] (EAWorkItemDiagramWithDetailArtifactRowDefinition)

scope : Model Element (EAScopeDefinition, EAScopeDiagramDefinition)

showColorLegend : Selection [Unspecified|Show|Hide]

showConnectorLegend : Selection [Unspecified|Show|Hide]

showShapeLegend : Selection [Unspecified|Show|Hide]

showTaggedValuesOption : Selection [Unspecified|None|Non Empty|All]

suffix : HTML/Plain Text

taggedValues : Model Element (TaggedValueContainer)

titleVisible : boolean

transitFrom : String

transitTo : String

viewpoint : Model Element (Viewpoint)

viewReferencedByInfo : Model Element[] (Reference)

viewReferencedBys : Model Element[] (ANY Model Elements )

vp : boolean

workItem : Model Element (EAWorkItem)

614. EAWorkItemDiagramWithDetailArtifactColumnDefinition Table of Contents 616. EAWorkItemDiagramWithDetailArtifactRowDefinition

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