Visual Paradigm Editions Comparison

UML Diagram Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Use case diagram
Class diagram
Sequence diagram
Communication diagram
Activity diagram
State machine diagram
Component diagram
Deployment diagram
Package diagram
Object diagram
Composite structure diagram
Timing diagram
Interaction overview diagram
SysML Diagram Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
SysML Requirement diagram
User-defined requirement types
Export and import requirements to Excel
Block definition diagram
Internal block diagram
Parametric diagram
Activity diagram
Sequence diagram
State machine diagram
Use case diagram
Package diagram
Database Design Toolset Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Entity relationship diagram
Conceptual, logical and physical ER model
Sync. between Conceptual, Logical and Physical ERD
Sample records editor
Database domain
Automatic foreign key generation
Database View editor
Split table into two
Stored procedure support
Trigger support
Import ErWin Data Modeler project
Import PowerDesigner Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Business Model Canvas Tool Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Business Model Canvas editor
Basic sticky notes and memos
Diagram Templates and Examples Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Hundreds of Diagram Templates and Examples
IDE Integration ^ Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Seamless Eclipse integration
Seamless NetBeans integration
Seamless IntelliJ IDEA integration
Seamless Visual Studio integration
Seamless Android Studio integration
BPMN Toolset Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
BPMN business process diagram
BPMN conversation diagram
Working procedure editor
Drill-down sub process
Automatic sequence and message flow correction
Generate To-be process diagram
Identify workflow elements from textual analysis
Export BPMN 2.0
Import BPMN 2.0
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Data Flow Diagram
Functional decomposition
Team Collaboration * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Cloud-based repository for project data
Project and member management
Automatic in-tool notification for changes made by others
Commit and update
Commit part of the content of entire project
Merging of changes upon commit and update
Sophisticated permissions settings
Apply diagram lock to avoid undesired changes
Work offline - Need not to connect to the repository when working
LDAP/Active Directory integration with DS connector
SAML authentication through Okta
SAML authentication through Azure
Conflicts resolution
Keep revisions for your work
Browsing diagram in earlier revision
Comparing a diagram in different revisions
Revert undesired changes
Sync design pattern with server
Store supplementary files in the cloud
Change request management
Design Review and Commenting * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Discussion and commenting tool
Online diagram browser
Share diagram with stakeholders
Task Management * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Task management tool
Gantt Chart
To-do, New and Pending lists
Receive notifications upon updates
Split a task into working stages
Due date management
File attachment
Project Glossary Management Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Define project vocabulary with Glossary Grid
Extract important terms from element description
Automatic highlighting of terms in description
Categorize terms with label
Maintain aliases for terms
Extract terms from shape name
Extract terms from textual analysis
Extract any model from anywhere through glossary
Output glossary to Excel
Import glossary from Excel
Textual Analysis Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Document user problem with textual analysis
Rich text problem statement
Keywords highlighting in problem statement
Identify candidate objects from problem statement
Candidate pane view
Business Diagram Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
EPC diagram
Process overview diagram
Business Concept Diagram
Organization Chart Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Organization chart maker
Moving a branch of units to another branch
Functional decomposition of DFD process
Assign unique ID to processes in DFD
General Modeling Toolset Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Resource Catalog
Sub diagram
Quick navigation between parent and sub diagram
Search bar
Pinnable connector end
Reclaim and eliminate space with sweeper and magnet
Add diagrams, shapes, model elements as internal references
Add business documents as external references
Reference Mapping editor
Mark in shape body when have reference added
Reference model element in description
Convert model element to a different type
Alignment guide
Multiple connector routing styles
Create turning pints when create shape with connector
Connector captions that follow connector's orientation
Multiple alignment options for shape name
Precise shape positioning with the help of alignment guide
Resizable connector caption
Movable connector caption
Layout diagrams in different styles
Describe model elements by rich text
Describe model element by voice
User-defined notation
Make shape appearance follow stereotype's definition
Manage and apply styles
Multi-language spell checking - English, Brazilian, German, etc
Select contained shapes with InstantFreeze
Format copier
Group diagram and shapes in package with package header
Name completion
Styles and formatting
Gradient shape background
Quick shape layout
Keep connector route readable with line jump
Various line jump options
Diagram info shape
Bookmark diagram and shape
Locate shape by URL
Single model element, multiple views
Automatic expand diagram margin
Split diagram into multiple inner panes
Show tagged values in shape body
Configure hotkey for diagramming commands
Project management properties
Jump to diagram
Annotate design with callout shape
Searching in Project Browser
Mouse gestures
Show/hide shapes in diagram
Organize project data neatly using model
User-defined diagram hierarchy with logical view
Import and Export Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Export as images (JPG/PNG/SVG/TIFF/EMF/PDF) #
Slice images into pieces, in desired size
Import Bizagi project
Import Visio drawing
Copy shapes as JPG/EMF #
Print with configurable options #
Export diagrams as project
Import project
Export and import project XML
Export and import Excel
Export and import XMI
Export and import UML2
Import Visio stencil
Import Rational Rose
Import Rational DNX
Import Rational System Architect
Import Rational Software Architect
Import Rational Rhapsody
Import NetBeans 6.x UML
Use Case Description Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Flow of Events Editor
Use Case Based Notes Editor
Requirements Management
Elaborating Use Cases with Sub-Diagrams
Managing Reference Artifacts
Full Use Case Specification Generation
User Story * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
User Story - Card editor
User Story - Conversation
User Story - Confirmation
Written scenarios per user story
Define Extension in user story scenario
Support multiple scenarios per use case
Reference to model element in steps
Support statement controls in steps (if then else, for, etc)
Generate sequence diagram from scenario
Generate activity diagram from scenario
Add wireframes to user story scenario
Create storyboard in user stories
Playback wireframe to confirm requirements
Diagrams per user story
Business process to user stories mapping
Wireframe & Storyboard Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Android phone wireframing
Android tablet wireframing
iPhone wireframing
iPad wireframing
Desktop applications wireframing
Website wireframing
Website wireframing with bootstrap components
Wireframe storyboard
Finger gesture support
Pointer support
Screen capture tool in wireframe
Font and color configuration
Reuse wireframes by creating wireframe states
Edit description, stereotype and tagged values for wireframe widgets
UX wireflow Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Wireflow Diagram - A wireframe-based flowchart
Create scenes with wireframes
400+ ready-to-use wireframe symbol library
Set screen IDs to scenes
Wireflow paths management
Automatic numbering of scenes in a path
Wireflow animation (within diagram)
Wireflow animation - as slideshow
Configurable animation
UX Prototyping Tool Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
UX prototyping Tool
High-Fidelity Mockup Tools Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
High-Fidelity Website Design Tool
High-Fidelity Desktop Application Mockup Tool
Code Engineering Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Java round-trip engineering
C++ round-trip engineering
Seamless round-trip with Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA and Visual Studio
Reverse engineer sequence diagram from Java
Customizable code generation template
C# code generation
State machine code generation
Reverse engineering of .NET DLL
Reverse engineering of .NET .exe
VB.NET code generation
PHP code generation & reverse engineering
Python code generation & reverse engineering
XML schema generation
Reverse engineering of XML schema
ActionScript code generation
Objective-C code generation and reverse engineering
Ada95 code generation
Reverse engineering of Ada9x
ODL code generation
IDL code generation
Reverse engineering of CORBA IDL
Delphi code generation
Perl code generation
Ruby code generation
Reverse engineering of XML (Instant Reverse)
Export state machine diagram to SCXML
Visual REST API Designer Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Graphical API designer for REST
Generate OpenAPI / Swagger formatted API
Generate API Blueprint formatted API
Generate interactive API documentation
Database Engineering Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Generate database from ERD
Generate DDL from ERD
Patch database from ERD
InnoDB supported for MySQL
Reverse engineer ERD from database
Reverse engineer ERD from DDL
Reverse engineer ERD from Hibernate mapping file
Share database configuration with teammates
Single design for multiple DBMS
Formatted SQL
Hibernate (ORM) Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Java object persistence with Hibernate
.NET object persistence with NHibernate
Synchronize between ERD and UML class diagram
Hibernate code generation from existing database
Support of Hibernate XML and JPA
Reverse engineer ORM model from Hibernate mapping files
Reverse engineer ORM model from ORM classes
Document Production Tools Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Ad-hoc development with Doc. Composer
Easy-to-use Doc. Composer editor
Customizable document templates
Share Doc Template, XMLs and Styles in Team environment
Integrate project contents into existing document with 'Fill-in Doc'
Auto document updating when exporting document
Publish project as web content
Publish document with script
Customer Journey Mapping * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Customer Journey Map (CJM) Editor
Persona support
Customizable lanes and stages
Lane separastor
Maintain traceability between items
Categorize items with color labels
Listing items as bullet points
Listing items in numbers
Listing items in consecutive numbers (cross stages)
Emotion chart (with smiley faces)
Touch-point based Customer Experience chart
Area chart
Cell-based chart
Use image as cell background
Description cell
Stakeholders assignment
Temporarily hide away lanes
Quick re-arrangement of lanes with drag-and-drop
Stage description
Instant CJM document generation
Gantt Chart Tool Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Drag-and-drop Gantt Chart editor
Multi-level task management
Dependency link
Process Map Designer Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Matrix-style Process Map editor
Over 40 business & technical process templates
Unlimited rows and columns
Configurable data format: Text, List, Bullet, etc
Mergeable cells
Use image in cells
Insert diagram layers for decoration
Data visualization with charts
Analysis Canvas Tool Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Configurable analysis canvas editor
Basic sticky notes and memos
Advanced sticky notes and memos
Rich collection of analysis canvas template
Mind Mapping Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Mind Mapping Diagram
Casual linkages among mind map nodes
Pre-defined node icons
Develop mind map with hotkeys
Automatic node coloring
Brainstorm (Note taking)
SoaML Diagram Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Service interface diagram
Service contract diagram
Service participant diagram
Services architecture diagram
Service category diagram
Re-use of service description in different SoaML diagrams
Diagram Animation Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Business process diagram animation
Sequence diagram animation
Activity diagram animation
User-controlled animation flow
Automatic path identification
Nameable animation path
Support playing in web browser
Configurable animation effects
Process Simulation Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Business process simulation
Resource allocation
Configurable time scale
Cost evaluation with selectable currency
Completion chart
Resource usage chart
Queue time chart
Advanced Modeling Toolset Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Project reference
Refactor data between referenced projects
Duplicate model elements from reference project
View referenced project diagrams in Diagram Navigator
Model Transformation
Model Transitor
Shape Legend
Color Legend
Model Nicknamer
Reuse elements with Model Extractor
Visual Diff for diagram comparison
User-defined model element properties
Define and apply design pattern
UML profile
RACI and CRUD Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Generate RACI chart from BPD
Generate RACI chart from EPC diagram
Generate CRUD chart from BPD
Customizable charts
STEPS - Design and analysis with prescribed wizards Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Use Case 2.0
Developing MVC Sequence Diagrams from CRUD Model
Develop CRUD Chart from DFD
Competitive Analysis with Radar Chart
Capability Maturity Assessment
Capability-Based Transformation Planning
Impact Analysis Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Matrix diagram
Analysis Diagram
Relate elements with Chart Diagram
Decision Table Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Click-to-add rules/conditions/actions
Highlighting of rules/conditions/actions
Rules filtering
Zachman Framework Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Zachman Framework
User Story Mapping & Agile tools * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
User Story Mapping
Just-in-time backlog management
Release planning
Effort and risk assessment with Affinity Table
Story point estimation
Scrum Sprint board
Burndown chart
Task generation from user stories
Scrum board
Sprint story board
User Story Statements
Scrum Process Canvas * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
One-page Scrum process canvas
Prioritized product backlog
Sprint backlog
Daily scrum meeting management
Auto-updated burndown chart
Impediment log
Scrum board for progress tracking
User story and task completion indicator
Sprint review meeting management
User acceptance testing management
Sprint retrospective management
Sprint-based scrum management
Release and deliverable management
Scrum file cabinet
Integration with task management tool
User story map integration
Scrum Process Canvas Customization * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Process Canvas Editor
Work Item Composer
Process report development
Large Scale Scrum Canvas * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Product backlog management
Sprint backlog management
Team management
User acceptance management
Daily scrum management
Impediment management
Sprint retrospective
Burndown chart
Nexus Canvas * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Product backlog management
Sprint backlog management
Team management
User acceptance management
Daily scrum management
Impediment management
Sprint retrospective
Burndown chart
Project Management Lifecycle Guide-Through Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Project Management Lifecycle Navigator
Project Management Step-by-Step
Crystal-clear instructions and samples
Compose deliverables by form-filling
Incremental update of process data
Bunch of diagrams and tools integrated
Complexity assessment
Deliverables auto-archived
Workflow management for process activities
Just-in-Time PMBOK Templates * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Actionable PMBOK process map
Process configuration
Work items for data collection
Deliverables generation
Deliverables auto-archived
Clear instructions and samples
Add custom diagrams and text to map
Task management for work items
Just-in-Time Project Management Templates * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Actionable project management process map
Process configuration
Work items for data collection
Include PMBOK and TOGAF work items
Four Process Schemes that Fits Different Project Complexity
Deliverables generation
Deliverables auto-archived
Clear instructions and samples
Add custom diagrams and text to map
Task management for work items
Strategic Planning with Business Motivation Model (BMM) Guide-Through Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
A guided process for strategic planning with BMM
Two approaches of strategic planning: Baseline-First, Target-First
Incremental identification of BMM elements
Automatic visualization of traceability
Generate strategic planning Documents
Clear instructions and samples
Deliverables auto-archived
Workflow management for process activities
Business Process Reengineering Canvas * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
One-page BPR process canvas
Actionable work items
As-is process modeling
To-be process modeling
Gap analysis
WBS - Structure reengineering works
Work package portfolio
Implementation plan
KPI & performance assessment
Reengineering team management
Automatic report generation and archiving
Business Process Reengr. Canvas Customization * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Process Canvas Editor
Work Item Composer
Process report development
Quality Control Canvas * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
7 basic quality tools dashboard template
7 basic quality tools (categorized) dashboard template
PDCA dashboard template
DMAIC dashboard template
Use of the 7 charts and fishbone diagram in canvas
On-Demand Model ETL Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
ETL Table for model element listing
Filter table rows by condition(s)
Second level detail in one table
Block editing interface for listed elements
Aspect-Oriented Properties
Visualize selected elements in a diagram
Printable ETL Table shape for annotation purposes
Drag element from ETL Table shape to diagram
Form builder Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Form builder
Publish form
Form submission
Review submitted form data
Tabular Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Tool creation and customization
Documents organization
Team collaboration
PERT Chart Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
PERT chart editor
Responsible person assignment
RACI per task
Generate tasks from PERT chart
Execute PERT chart in action
Breakdown Structure Diagram Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Breakdown structure diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Cause and Effect Diagram
Roadmap & Implementation Plan Tool Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Migration roadmap
Implementation plan diagram
Radar Chart Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Radar chart editor
Multiple stages
Drag-and-Drop interface
Process area
Visual File Cabinet Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Design your file cabinet visually
Drag-and-drop file storage
Advanced file management tool
Business Rules Management Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Fact Model
View and manage business rules with Business Rule Grid
Business rule editor
Keywords in business rule highlighted
Visualize business rule as business rule shape
Case Management with CMMN Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
CMMN diagram
Business Motivation Model Diagram Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Business Motivation Model Diagram
ArchiMate Diagram Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
ArchiMate diagram
ArchiMate viewpoints
Custom viewpoints
TOGAF ADM Process Guide-Through Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
TOGAF® ADM process navigator
Actionable guided process
Form filling and inline instruction
Auto deliverable composer
Auto versioning And deliverable generation
Shape legend
Color legend
Reuse elements with Model Extractor
Architecture and Documentation Repository
TOGAF ADM Process Guide-Through Customization * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Work Item Composer
ADM deliverable development
Just-in-Time TOGAF Templates * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Actionable TOGAF process map
Process configuration
Work items for data collection
Work items for analysis
Deliverables generation
Architecture Repository
Clear instructions and samples
Add custom diagrams and text to map
Task management for work items
DoDAF Tool * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Grid view
Create DoDAF-compliant architecture views
Reuse architectural building blocks
Maintain full traceability between views
Generate DoDAF reports
Built-in instructions and examples
Team collaboration
NAF Tool * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Grid view
Create NAF-compliant architecture views
Reuse architectural building blocks
Maintain full traceability between views
Generate NAF reports
Built-in instructions and examples
Team collaboration
MODAF Tool * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Grid view
Create MODAF-compliant architecture views
Reuse architectural building blocks
Maintain full traceability between views
Generate DoDAF reports
Built-in instructions and examples
Team collaboration
Just-in-Time Process Map * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Process map with actionable work items
Process configuration
Work items for data collection
Work items for analysis
Pre-defined work items
Deliverables generation
Add custom diagrams and text to map
Visual file cabinet for deliverables archiving
Clear instructions and samples
Task management for work items
Just-in-Time Process Map Customization * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Process Map Editor
Work Item Composer
Process deliverable development
Enterprise Model Finder * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Enterprise Model Finder
Create Guide-Through Process * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Create Guide-Through process Contact us for details
Create Just-in-Time Work Items * Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Create Just-in-Time work items Contact us for details
Miscellaneous Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Dash menu
Multiple language support - German, Polish, Spanish, French and more
Add your own functions by writing Plug-in (Java)
Customizable diagram toolbar
Customizable menus and toolbars
Configurable application font
Automatic update checking
Flexible memory setting
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Diagramming Tools

Visual Paradigm provides both more formal notation modeling and casual drawing capability. Diagrams under modeling categories such as UML, BPMN, etc. comes with a data model for further manipulation i.e. code engineering, syntax & consistency check, etc. Diagram under Casual drawing category provides 150+ types of diagrams charts and business graph which can be accessed in both desktop and cloud platform. Note that you must be online with internet access (or on-premises server installed for commercial editions) to enjoy the web compatible diagramming features below.

Software Design Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
Hexagonal architecture diagram
Yourdon DeMarco DFD
Yourdon and Coad diagram
Gane Sarson diagram
C4 model
Business Design Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
System context diagram
Problem flow diagram
Information flow diagram
Affinity diagram
Marketing funnel
ToFu, MoFu, BoFu
AIDA funnel
Kotter's 8-Step Change Model
Brand Essence Wheel
Circular flow diagram
Causal loop diagram
Enterprise architecture diagram
Lewin's change model
Empathy map
Stock and flow diagram
Value stream mapping
Project Management Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Arrow diagram
Stakeholder matrix
Solution selection matrix
MoSCoW method
NASA project lifecycle
Flowchart Maker
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Basic flowchart
Swimlane flowchart
Cross functional flowchart
SDL diagram
Audit flowchart
Accounting flowchart
Organizational Chart Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Family tree
Kinship diagram
Pedigree chart
Six Sigma / Quality Management Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Critical to Quality Tree (CTQ Tree)
Threat model
PICK diagram
Defect concentration diagram
TQM diagram
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
SIPOC diagram
UX Design Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Site map diagram
Material design wireframe
Atlassian wireframe
Wired UI diagram
Fluent Design wireframe
Floor Plan Designer
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Floor plan designer
Seating chart tool
Network Diagram
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Network diagram
Rack diagram
Cloud Architecture Design Tools
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
AWS architecture diagram
Azure architecture diagram
Google Cloud Platform diagram
IBM Cloud architecture diagram
Alibaba Cloud architecture diagram
Huawei Cloud architecture diagram
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure diagram
Tencent Cloud architecture diagram
Engineering Diagram Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Logic diagram
Circuit diagram
Wiring diagram
Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
Block flow diagram
Brainstorming Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Concept map diagram
Bubble diagram
Cluster diagram
Circle map
Bridge map
Flow map
Diamond ranking
PMI chart
Concept fan
Topic map
Reverse brainstorming
Stepladder technique
COCD box
X chart
Y chart
T chart
Lotus diagram
Star diagram
Disney's Creativity Strategy
Round-Robin brainstorming
Strategic Analysis Tools
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
SWOT analysis
Vision and Strategy
BCG matrix
McKinsey 7S framework
GE McKinsey matrix
Ansoff Matrix
Perceptual map
Ohmae's 3C model
4Qs framework
Strategy map
Balanced Scorecard
SOAR analysis
TOWS analysis
Competitor analysis
Value chain analysis
PEST analysis
Five forces analysis
Four corners analysis
Intuitive list-based data editor
Data Visualization Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Column chart
Grouped column chart
Stacked column chart
100% stacked column chart
Bar chart
Grouped bar chart
Stacked bar chart
100% stacked bar chart
Line chart
Curved line chart
Stacked line chart
100% stacked line chart
Step chart
Pie chart
Doughnut chart
Area chart
Stacked area chart
100% stacked area chart
Stepped area chart
Column and line chart
Grouped column and line chart
Stacked column and line chart
Butterfly chart
Bubble chart
Scatter chart
Gauge chart
Double doughnut chart
Semi doughnut
Nightingale rose chart
Pictorial chart
Pyramid chart
Funnel chart
Radial chart
Stacked radial chart
100% stacked radial chart
Rose chart
Stacked rose chart
100% stacked rose chart
Heat map
Tree map
Control chart
Pareto chart
Geo map
Geo heat map
Floating column chart
Floating bar chart
Stream graph
OHLC chart
Sankey diagram
Difference chart
Punch card
360 punch card
Marimekko chart
Stacked bar mekko chart
Variwide chart
Range area chart
Range spline area chart
Range step area chart
Decision Analysis Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Influence diagram
Force field analysis
Futures wheel
OODA loop
Decision tree
Problem Solving Tool
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Interrelationship diagram
5 whys
Driver diagram
How-How diagram
Why-Why diagram
Current Reality Tree
Future Reality Tree
Transition tree
Prerequisite tree
Evaporating cloud
Root cause analysis
General Diagram
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Block diagram
Over 80 block diagram templates
KWL chart
Reframing matrix
Eisenhower matrix
Dichotomous key
Venn diagram
Euler diagram
Timeline diagram
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# For Community Edition, a single-lined watermark will be appeared in printout / exported image

^ This is about the capability to run seamlessly in various IDEs. For the availability of individual features, please refer to the rest of the table

* Visual Paradigm Online or Teamwork Server required

Feature(s) are subject to change without prior notices

"PMBOK" is a trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. which is registered in the United States and other nations.

"TOGAF" is a trademark of The Open Group, which is registered in the United States and other countries.

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