Visual Paradigm Pricing

  • Enterprise
  • Professional
  • Standard
  • Modeler
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UML diagram
SysML diagram
ER diagram (ERD)
Online diagram editor
Plug-in development
Business Model Canvas
BPMN diagram (business process mapping)
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
Team collaboration
Diagram review and commenting
Task management
Project glossary management
Textual analysis
EPC diagram (Event-Driven Process Chain)
Organization chart
Use case description
User Story
  • 3C's - Card, Confirmation, Conversation
  • Scenario editor
  • Story-based storyboard
  • Visualize story in diagram
UX wireframe
UX storyboard
UX wireflow
  • Path definition with component-based scenes
  • Path definition with wireframed scenes
  • Animated wireflow
UX prototyping tool
High fidelity mockup tool
Code engineering
  • Generate / update code from UML
  • Generate UML from code
  • Round-trip engineering
Visual REST API designer
  • Visual REST API designer
  • Generate Swagger / OpenAPI / API blueprint formatted API
  • Generate API documentation
Database engineering
  • Generate / update database from ERD
  • Generate ERD from database
  • Generate & reverse DDL
Hibernate (ORM)
Document generation
  • Doc. Composer
  • Project Publisher
Customer Journey Map
Gantt chart
Process Map Designer
Analysis Canvas
Mind mapping
  • Mind map diagram
  • Brainstorm diagram
SoaML diagram
Diagram animation
  • BPMN process animation
  • Sequence diagram animation
  • Activity diagram animation
Advanced model management
  • Project referencing
  • Model transformation
  • Model Transitor
  • Shape Legend
  • Color Legend
  • Model Nicknamer
  • Diagrams comparison tool
  • Design pattern tool
RACI and CRUD chart
STEPS wizards
Impact analysis
  • Analysis diagram
  • Matrix tool
Decision table
Zachman Framework
Change request management
User Story Mapping & Agile tools
  • User Story Map
  • Sprint backlog
  • Story estimation: Affinity Table
  • Burndown chart
  • Scrumboard
Scrum Framework Tool
LeSS Framework Tool
Nexus Framework Tool
Scrum Process Canvas customization
Project Management Lifecycle Guide-Through
  • Project management lifecycle navigator
  • Four Process Schemes that Fits Different Project Complexity
  • Actionable work items
  • Diagram and form-based artifacts
  • Automatic deliverable generation and archiving
Project management Just-in-Time Process Map
PMBOK Just-in-Time Process Map
Strategic Planning Guide-Through
  • BMM process navigator
  • Actionable work items
  • Diagram and form-based artifacts
  • Automatic deliverable generation and archiving
Business Process Reengineering Canvas
Business Process Reengr. Canvas customization
Quality Control Canvas
On-Demand Model ETL
Form builder
Tabular (Multi-purpose spreadsheet-based editor)
PERT Chart
Breakdown Structure Chart
Cause and Effect diagram
Roadmap & implementation plan
Radar chart
Visual file cabinet
Business rule management
  • Business rule grid
  • Fact model
CMMN diagram
BMM diagram
ArchiMate diagram
  • ArchiMate diagram
  • ArchiMate viewpoints
TOGAF ADM Guide-Through
  • TOGAF ADM cycle navigator
  • Actionable work items
  • Diagram and form-based artifacts
  • Automatic deliverable generation and archiving
TOGAF ADM Guide-Through customization
TOGAF ADM Just-in-Time Process Map
Just-in-Time Process Map
  • Drag-and-Drop process map creator
  • Massive actionable work items
  • Deliverable composer
Just-in-Time Process Map customization
Enterprise Model Finder

Diagramming tools

Visual Paradigm provides both more formal notation modeling and casual drawing capability. Diagrams under modeling categories such as UML, BPMN, etc. comes with a data model for further manipulation i.e. code engineering, syntax & consistency check, etc. Diagram under Casual drawing category provides 150+ types of diagrams charts and business graph which can be accessed in both desktop and cloud platform. Note that you must be online with internet access (or on-premises server installed for commercial editions) to enjoy the web compatible diagramming features below.

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Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
Also included in
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Software design tool
Use case diagram
Class diagram
Activity diagram
Sequence diagram
Deployment diagram
State machine diagram
Component diagram
Package diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Hexagonal architecture diagram
Data Flow Diagram
Yourdon DeMarco DFD
Yourdon and Coad diagram
Gane Sarson diagram
C4 model
Functional Flow Block Diagram
Business design tool
System context diagram
Problem flow diagram
Information flow diagram
Affinity diagram
Marketing funnel
ToFu, MoFu, BoFu
AIDA funnel
Kotter's 8-Step Change Model
Brand Essence Wheel
Circular flow diagram
BPMN Business Process Diagram
Causal loop diagram
Enterprise architecture diagram
Lewin's change model
Empathy map
Stock and flow diagram
Value Stream Mapping
ArchiMate diagram
Project management tool
Arrow diagram
Stakeholder matrix
Solution selection matrix
MoSCoW method
Enhanced PERT Chart
NASA project lifecycle
Work Breakdown Structure
Resource breakdown structure
Risk breakdown structure
Functional decomposition diagram
Flowchart maker
Swimlane flowchart
Cross-Functional flowchart
SDL diagram
Audit flowchart
Accounting flowchart
Organizational chart tool
Organization Chart
Family tree
Kinship diagram
Pedigree chart
Six Sigma / Quality management tool
Critical to Quality Tree (CTQ Tree)
Threat model
PICK diagram
Defect concentration diagram
TQM diagram
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
SIPOC diagram
UX design tool
Site map diagram
Material design wireframe
Atlassian wireframe
Wired UI diagram
Fluent Design wireframe
Floor plan designer
Floor plan maker
Seating chart tool
Network diagram tool
Network diagram
Rack diagram
Cloud service architecture designer
AWS architecture diagram
Azure architecture diagram
Google Cloud Platform diagram
IBM Cloud architecture diagram
Alibaba Cloud architecture diagram
Huawei Cloud architecture diagram
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure diagram
Tencent Cloud architecture diagram
Engineering diagram tool
Logic diagram
Circuit diagram
Wiring diagram
Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
Block flow diagram
Brainstorming tool
Concept map diagram
Bubble diagram
Cluster diagram
Circle map
Bridge map
Flow map
Diamond ranking
PMI chart
Concept fan
Topic map
Reverse brainstorming
Stepladder technique
COCD box
X chart
Y chart
T chart
Lotus diagram
Star diagram
Disney's Creativity Strategy
Mind Mapping
Round-Robin brainstorming
Strategic analysis tool
SWOT analysis
Vision and Strategy
BCG matrix
McKinsey 7S framework
GE McKinsey matrix
Ansoff Matrix
Perceptual map
Ohmae's 3C model
4Qs framework
Strategy map
Balanced Scorecard
SOAR analysis
TOWS analysis
Competitor analysis
Value chain analysis
PEST analysis
Five Forces analysis
Four Corners analysis
Data visualization tool
Column chart
Grouped column chart
Stacked column chart
100% stacked column chart
Bar chart
Grouped bar chart
Stacked bar chart
100% stacked bar chart
Line chart
Curved line chart
Stacked line chart
100% stacked line chart
Step chart
Pie chart
Doughnut chart
Area chart
Stacked area chart
100% stacked area chart
Stepped area chart
Column and line chart
Grouped column and line chart
Stacked column and line chart
Butterfly chart
Bubble chart
Scatter chart
Gauge chart
Double doughnut chart
Semi doughnut
Nightingale rose chart
Pictorial chart
Pyramid chart
Funnel chart
Radial chart
Stacked radial chart
100% stacked radial chart
Rose chart
Stacked rose chart
100% stacked rose chart
Heat map
Tree map
Control chart
Pareto chart
Geo map
Geo heat map
Floating column chart
Floating bar chart
Stream graph
OHLC chart
Sankey diagram
Difference chart
Punch card
360 punch chart
Marimekko chart
Stacked bar mekko chart
Variwide chart
Range area chart
Range spline area chart
Range step area chart
Decision analysis tool
Influence diagram
Force field analysis
Futures wheel
OODA loop
Decision tree
Problem solving tool
Interrelationship diagram
5 whys
Driver diagram
How-How diagram
Why-Why diagram
Current Reality Tree
Future Reality Tree
Transition tree
Prerequisite tree
Evaporating cloud
Root cause analysis
General diagram
Block diagram
KWL chart
Reframing matrix
Eisenhower matrix
Dichotomous key
Venn diagram
Euler diagram
Timeline diagram

[1] Users with active software maintenance have access to the user story map, customer journey map, and task management on both desktop and web. Users without maintenance can only access these features on desktop.

Single Seat license is per user
All prices are listed in US dollars
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Included in All Plans

Get license instantly

Receive activation license right after the purchase. No waiting. Start using VP in no time.

A year of updates*

Receive all the product updates within the first year of the purchase at no additional cost.

1 GB cloud workspace

Upload and share your diagrams with co-workers and friends, and get feedback.

License management

Manage the allocation of license through our online Customer Service center.

Priority customer support

We are here to answer your questions, and make sure you will get the most out of our tools.

* Your license includes a year's worth of updates as part of the free maintenance period. After this year, you can continue using the last version of Visual Paradigm you downloaded, indefinitely. You can extend the maintenance period to continue receiving product updates.

Get Visual Paradigm Site-wide

A site license allows all staff in your company or department (under the same email domain) to use Visual Paradigm. Add seats as needed throughout the year at no extra cost.

Contact Us for More Information
Kishore Kumar

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Kishore Kumar

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Buy 5 - 9 copies of VP Modeler / Standard / Professional in a single order to get a 5% discount.

Kishore Kumar

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Buy 10 copies or more of VP Modeler / Standard / Professional in a single order to get a 10% discount.

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